Exterior cleaning services for your home or business.
Exterior cleaning services for your home or businessagna aliqua.
Exterior cleaning services for your home or businessagna aliqua.
All Pro Lawn and Power washing is led by Raleigh Firefighter Randy Fobbs. This firefighter owned and operated company is the top choice for pressure washing services in the Raleigh-Durham area. With a strong commitment to community and safety, Randy brings a level of dedication and meticulousness that mirrors his professional and personal beliefs. They use the top-quality equipment to deliver superior cleaning results on homes, driveways, decks, and commercial properties. This service-based company prioritizes exceptional cleaning results while also adhering to high standards of environmental responsibility, utilizing eco-friend cleaning solutions, proper safety practices, and excellent customer service. Trust All Pro Lawn and Power washing for reliable, efficient, and thorough cleaning services that rejuvenate your property and enhance its curb appeal.
Refresh your home’s exterior with our professional soft washing service. Over time, dirt, mold, mildew, and grime can build up on siding, brick, and stucco, making your home look dull and aged. Our gentle yet effective cleaning process safely removes these contaminants without causing damage, preserving the integrity of your home’s exterior. Regular soft washing not only restores curb appeal but also helps prevent long-term deterioration, keeping your property looking its best. Let us give your home a fresh, clean look that stands out in the neighborhood!
Restore the natural beauty of your brick surfaces with our professional cleaning service. Over time, dirt, moss, mildew, and stains can accumulate, causing your brickwork to look aged and discolored. Our specialized cleaning techniques effectively remove these contaminants without damaging the brick or mortar, ensuring a deep clean that enhances both durability and appearance. Whether it’s for your home’s exterior, walkways, patios, or walls, our service revitalizes your brick surfaces, improving curb appeal and preserving their integrity for years to come. Let us bring your brick back to life with a fresh, clean look!
Bring your outdoor space back to life with our expert patio cleaning service. Over time, dirt, algae, mildew, and stains can build up on concrete, stone, and pavers, leaving your patio looking dull and unkempt. Our professional cleaning process effectively removes these contaminants, restoring the natural beauty of your patio and creating a cleaner, safer environment for you to enjoy. Whether you’re preparing for outdoor gatherings or simply want to maintain your home’s appearance, our service ensures your patio stays fresh, inviting, and in top condition for years to come.
Remove tough stains, oil spills, dirt, and grime with our professional driveway cleaning service. Over time, driveways can accumulate unsightly buildup that not only diminishes curb appeal but also creates slippery and hazardous surfaces. Our high-pressure washing method effectively lifts deep-set stains and restores your driveway’s clean, fresh look, enhancing the overall appearance of your property. Regular cleaning not only boosts your home’s aesthetic but also helps prevent long-term damage, keeping your driveway in top condition for years to come. Let us revitalize your driveway and make it look as good as new!
Restore the beauty of your wood or composite deck with our professional cleaning service. Over time, dirt, algae, mildew, and stains can build up, making your deck look worn and even creating slippery, unsafe surfaces. Our deep cleaning process effectively removes these contaminants, revitalizing the look of your deck while also helping to prevent long-term damage. Whether you’re preparing for outdoor gatherings or simply want to maintain your deck’s longevity, our service ensures a cleaner, safer, and more inviting space for you to enjoy year-round.
Protect and enhance the lifespan of your roof with our safe and effective cleaning service. Over time, moss, algae, and stains can accumulate, not only making your roof look unsightly but also potentially causing long-term damage. Our specialized low-pressure soft wash method gently removes these harmful elements without causing any wear or tear, preserving the integrity of your shingles or roofing material. Regular roof cleaning not only improves curb appeal but also helps prevent costly repairs and extends the life of your roof. Let us keep your roof looking great and functioning at its best for years to come!
Revitalize your wood, vinyl, or metal fence with our professional cleaning service. Over time, exposure to the elements can cause dirt buildup, mold, mildew, and weather stains, making your fence look aged and worn. Our deep cleaning process effectively removes these contaminants, restoring your fence’s original beauty and enhancing your property’s curb appeal. Regular fence cleaning not only improves its appearance but also helps prevent long-term damage, extending its lifespan and maintaining its structural integrity. Let us bring your fence back to life with a fresh, clean look!
Keep your gutters free of debris and functioning properly with our thorough cleaning service. Over time, leaves, dirt, and other blockages can accumulate, leading to clogged gutters that can cause water overflow, foundation damage, and even roof leaks. Our professional gutter cleaning removes all debris, ensuring proper water drainage and protecting your home from costly repairs. Regular maintenance not only improves the efficiency of your gutters but also helps prevent mold growth and pest infestations. Let us help safeguard your home with our reliable and efficient gutter cleaning service!
Make your concrete surfaces look brand new with our professional cleaning service. Over time, dirt, stains, oil spills, and mildew can build up, leaving your driveways, sidewalks, patios, and other concrete areas looking dull and worn. Our high-powered cleaning techniques effectively remove deep-set grime, restoring the original appearance of your surfaces while also improving safety by eliminating slippery contaminants. Whether it’s for your home or business, our concrete cleaning service enhances curb appeal and extends the lifespan of your surfaces, keeping them in top condition for years to come.
As a firefighter owned and operated pressure washing business, All Pro Lawn and Power washing understands how important your home or business is to you. We will treat your property with respect and leave your home in pristine condition. We are experienced pressure washing experts and use First-class equipment and professional cleaning agents to effectively clean your home without damage. We pride ourselves on being professional, providing excellent customer service, and producing high quality results! If you are looking for a reliable pressure washing company, then look no further.
Power Washing in Raleigh, NC, is a cleaning technique that relies on water pressure, heat, or chemicals to remove dirt. We adjust our approach according to the surface we’re cleaning.
The frequency of pressure washing depends on the environment and the type of exterior material. On average, most homeowners should have their homes pressure washed every 1-2 years. However, if your home is in an area with high humidity, heavy rainfall, or frequent dust storms, you may need to clean it more often to remove mold, algae, or accumulated dirt. Specific areas such as decks, driveways, and gutters might require more frequent cleaning to maintain their appearance and structural integrity. Regular washing helps preserve the material’s longevity by removing damaging substances like mold, mildew, and dirt buildup that can wear down surfaces over time. If you’re unsure how often to schedule washing, a professional pressure washing service can assess your home’s exterior and provide guidance based on the conditions of your property.
We offer a range of services, including:
• House Washing
• Driveway Cleaning
• Roof Washing
• New Construction Cleanups
• Gutter Cleaning
• Pruning
• Landscaping
• Snow Removal
Yes, pressure washing is an effective way to remove mold and mildew from many surfaces. The high-pressure water stream helps to dislodge and wash away mold and mildew buildup. However, power washing may be required for stubborn or deeply embedded stains, as it uses hot water that breaks down the mold more effectively. For surfaces like wood, which are more susceptible to damage, a softer washing technique may be used along with a specialized cleaning solution that targets mold and mildew. The use of mold-inhibiting chemicals can also help prevent regrowth. It’s important to address mold and mildew issues quickly, as they can cause damage to surfaces and pose health risks. Hiring a professional pressure washing service ensures that mold and mildew are properly removed without causing damage to your home or landscaping.
• Raleigh
• Durham
• Wake Forest
• Cary
• Apex
• Knightdale
• Rolesville
• And surrounding areas
Yes, we offer:
• Building washing
• HOA cleaning
• Storefront cleaning
• Window cleaning
• Drive-thru cleaning
• Parking lot and garage cleaning
• Graffiti removal